How to make a girl laugh in 5 moves

how to make a girl laugh

If you don’t make her laugh, your time together will be inexorably short, and there is nothing better than laughter to break the monotony of everyday life and take yourself a little less seriously.

And then you know, laughing is good for health and science also says it, it is good for the heart for example, but also for the mind. It is proven that smiling increases our level of happiness.

Whether it is your life partner or the woman you want to conquer, it does not matter, you must always make her laugh and have fun on every occasion.

So how do you provoke an incredible comic film laugh? Follow these 5 steps for an amazing result.

5 ways to make a girl laugh

Here are five ways tested with guaranteed success to make a girl laugh, put them all into practice and you will turn into the funniest man your girlfriend has ever met.

1) Be serious: yes, it is true, laughter is contagious, but do you want to put the effect of a joke launched while you are serious? So, be serious first, act like you’re going to say something normal. And then, like a water bomb, launch your joke. Of course if you care so much to make her laugh you have to prepare a series of jokes at home. You can consult various websites of jokes and colds and learn some of them.

2) Self-irony: making fun of yourself and making jokes about your misadventures or your physical appearance, will not make you look like a loser, but a confident person, capable of humor himself. Think about your fault or something that has happened to you recently and laugh about it, you will put it at ease immediately.

3) Laugh at her jokes: this step is as important as the others and should not be underestimated. When she makes a joke or says something funny, laugh about it! Not only will this encourage her to reciprocate, but it will make her feel good about herself.

4) Tease her gently: this is a somewhat delicate move, but if you are skilled and you will find the right opportunity to put it into action, it will have a deadly effect. If she says or does something that lends itself to a witty joke, just like you would with a friend of yours, have your say, don’t be shy. Obviously, you must be careful to be delicate and find a situation that does not make you look like an insensitive idiot.
For example, suppose that she shows up at the very elegant appointment, during the evening protests go out with:

Are you going to a wedding?“.

She: “no, why?“.

you: “Well, I had guessed from how you are dressed tonight.“.

With this joke you can also test her humor and how playful or touchy she really is.

5) Make a joke: here too you have to be careful not to overdo it, after all it is always a woman you want to conquer and not frighten. So, think of a cute joke using the real situations you meet. For example, let’s say you bring her a red rose at the appointment, wait to give it to her, and if she doesn’t say anything, let her notice, like: “See this rose I brought ..“: She will say yes and you: ” Here I brought it for a friend of mine who works here. ” Stay serious and confident, wait for her reaction. If she feel bad, do not hesitate to reassure her and tell her that the rose is really for her. You will both burst into laughter.

“Rlaugh in two, isn’t it a way of loving?” this is a rhetorically quote from Alexandre Jardin. What do you think about it?

Leave a comment to let us know what your tricks are for making a woman laugh.

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