Have you received a bouquet of flowers? Some tips to care for them …

Once received the bouquet of flowers, so it will last as long as possible, you should seek some things easy to prepare. First, if the flowers have suffered during transport,we recommend immersing it starts to pan horizontally in a slightly warm water. Soon after, the stem trimmed regularly to make sure that water remains in contact with living tissue. This depends on the type of flower:

  • If it is woody-stemmed flowers, you should cut a cross section level.
  • If it is hollow stalk of flowers, this is shortened under water to prevent air bubblesfrom forming that would impede the absorption;

To extend the possible duration of the flowers, it is advisable to also renew the vasewater frequently, each time adding specific products for preserving cut flowers (on the market there are many types). Another trick utule, which we recommend, and to avoid placing the deck in a room too hot, or near heat sources (radiators, fireplaces,stoves), in which they stay indoors for several hours in the elderly and children orbedroom, at least during the hours of rest, as the perfume can cause disturbance to those who want to sleep. Cut flowers are very delicate, so it is advisable to avoidlarge temperature changes, for example by moving the deck during the night from inside the room to the window sill or in the courtyard.

Wine & Flowers Team

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