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Quotes, tips and phrases to conquer a girl

Some famous quotes to be used for the message profits to conquer a girl:

It is not enough to conquer; one must learn to seduce.

If I became a philosopher, if I have so keenly sought this fame for which I'm still waiting, it's all been to seduce women basically.

Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.

Without His love I can do nothing, with His love there is nothing I cannot do.

There is only one happiness in life -- to love and to be loved.

Women wish to be loved not because they are pretty, or good, or well bred, or graceful, or intelligent, but because they are themselves.

You come to love not by finding the perfect person, but by seeing an imperfect person perfectly.

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.

If you love something set it free if it comes back its yours if not it was never meant to be.

There is nothing more interesting than the conversation of two lovers, into silence.

I can not say what I like about you, something kills me but makes me live Ö maybe itís love.

The beauty of a woman lies in her eyes that are the gateway to your heart. The door where love resides.

The fruits ripen from the sun, the men through love.

There is no wound that love can not cure.

Should I smile because weíre friends? Or mourn because we will never be more than friends?

If I had a single flower for Every Time I Think About You, I Could walk forever in my garden.

The only thing real in our past is the love we gave and we received.

How to Seduce and Conquer a Woman: 10 Easy & Important Tips

I wonder if there really is the recipe to win a woman. Sure, sure-fire, guaranteed: it would be a perfect recipe, right? But are many different ways to do the words and actions that trigger the affinity between man and woman.

Some suggestions, however, we can list them. Maybe not guarantee a resounding success, but at least avoid bad impression. Here is a small handbook to ìconquer a woman in 10 Easy & Important Tips.

1) her laugh. Hardly any woman resist the fascination of a witty man. In fact, women often fall in love just who makes them laugh and manages to find the funny side of life, with the right amount of humor. Otherwise know what a bore!

2) Prove that youíre smart. You do not need to be Einstein or have a degree in aerospace engineering. With the right mix of creativity, culture and presence of mind you can comfortably converse of common interests, finding interesting subjects and non-trivial.

3) A little ëclass. Be mindful of your posture, gestures care and be your gallant with her: April door, universal wine or water, let it sit for before. And then choose your clothes carefully, interested in what she likes and listen to it, without making the mistake of talking too much about you.

4) Travel the game. It is never the case to give for granted the success in winning, but a bit of security and control of the situation can be decisive. The man of the wrist, in short, like. Without being aggressive or arrogant, of course.

5) Be considerate. Surprise her: gifts, cards, flowers, messages are always nice, especially when they do not coincide with particular events. They make you feel special, not to mention that the ìsurprise factorî lowers the defenses and, therefore, closer to the heart of her own.

6) Unforeseeable. Try to get out from your usual patterns and savor the taste of novelty, disrupting her expectations. You will be fascinated with it and you will earn safely, looking even more attractive in his eyes.

7) Adventure. Try to make an appointment unforgettable experiencing a new restaurant or a new place to visit. And if you love extreme sports, your invites her to a parachute or a session of rafting. Maybe decline the invitation, but will appreciate your initiative.

8) Be sure of yourself. It is important to be aware of themselves, their strengths and weaknesses, so as to show the best of themselves. After having fascinated with your qualities, then you can also reveal your weaknesses without fear and in all sincerity.

9) Attention. The small kindness toward your her are always appreciated: an appreciation on the new haircut or new clothes mean you notice every detail and that you like. The same goes for flowers, messages or short phrases that reveal how much you are involved.

10) romance. Never goes out of fashion gallantry: the gesture of attention, flowers, dinner by candlelight or relaxed and intimate atmosphere are always appreciated. Be gallant, kind, considerate and never tire of it.

Let's add a tip to the list of How to Seduce and Conquer a Woman: 10 Easy & Important Tips: To give flowers!

In short: the gesture of offering a a boquet of flowers is the perfect synthesis of all your attentions. Safety, care, intelligence, romance, unpredictability are voice in a bouquet of flowers carefully chosen and, whatever your choice, always speak of love and perfect understanding.

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